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Would you hire a billboard if they told you they were going to install it on a street where no one passes by? Would you trust an advertising company if they told you they were going to put your promotion on a street with no traffic?

These questions have been asked during the last few months to our clients who asked us about the option of hiring influencers for their digital marketing campaigns.

Our answer has always been the same: “we believe that spending effort, money and time investing in influencers without knowing if they are really all they seem is not advisable”.

How to detect fake influencers

From FJ Digital, and thanks to our experience in the field of competitive intelligence, social networks and technology, we have developed a technological and consulting solution for the detection of influencer fraud that, among other features, allows us to:

  1. Identify if that person has the real followers that appear in their profile: their origin, if they are real people or bots, market niches, demographics and other functionalities.
  2. Audit influencers who already work with companies in order to ensure that the actions carried out are really effective.
  3. Show companies those influencers who really do have an audience that may be interested in being brand ambassadors.
  4. Measure the impact of a campaign made by an influencer of yours or your competitors.

These are just some of the functionalities we offer with the new solution we are launching.

Our best practices

In the same way that when you hire a physical advertisement you know where it will be placed, the format it will have and how long it will be active, we believe it is necessary to know everything about that person or brand that offers their services in exchange for a consideration, either financial or for a product or service you offer.

Hiring an influencer based solely on the quality of their photos or the high number of followers and likes is one of the biggest mistakes that some companies make, since some of them inflate their accounts with purchased followers and likes. And this is doubly detrimental to the company. Firstly, because of the economic cost of hiring them and, secondly, because of the damage to your company’s image caused by having an influencer that many people know to be fake.

Previously investigate who you are going to hire to be the image of your products or services is not a privilege, but a necessity for your brand.