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The inspiration behind our logo

La semilla de FJ Intelligence fue plantada no en la era digital, sino en la tranquilidad de la habitación de casa de mis padres,…

Infinite Scroll: Endless Navigation and the New Challenge of Digital Ethics

In the world of apps, one design technique has kept users more engaged than ever: infinite scroll. But what exactly is infinite scroll and…

Sentiment analysis in social networks: the borderline between what is allowed and professional ethics

In the previous article we talked about the positive impact on companies of knowing the feelings that their public has about their products. However,…
analizar sentimientos en redes sociales

Between the Lines and Emojis: The Complex Art of Sentiment Analysis on Social Media

The digital landscape is an endless ocean of conversations, opinions, and feelings. In every corner of social media, voices rise, be it in praise,…

Goodbye to misleading filters? France takes action against influencers

In the midst of an ever-evolving digital era, the French Parliament has just made a bold move, establishing a solid legal framework for the…

The “fake influencers” exposed and how to avoid them.

Would you hire a billboard if they told you they were going to install it on a street where no one passes by? Would…